Saturday, April 3, 2010


For those that don’t know, George Foreman was not always the cuddly, hamburger pushing, old man that smiles a lot and makes millions of dollars.

As a young boxer in the seventies, George Foreman was a marauding figure that walked around with a snarl and an insatiable lust for women.

According to several individuals present for the “Rumble In the Jungle," Foreman’s fight with Muhammed Ali that was held in Africa, Foreman lost the fight to Ali in the hotel room before the fight.

It has been said that on the night before the fight, Ali arranged for seven African prostitutes to be sent to Foreman’s hotel suite after his late afternoon practice.

For the purposes of this article, I contacted many inside sources and old time veteran trainers. I received the following email from renowned veteran trainer, George Letrick:

“Yeah, Ali got him good that time. Peoples always be talking about the wisdom and mind knowledge of Mr. Ali but they don’t know he was on a whole other level. George always had a trouble with women folk and Ali knew this because he had run into Foreman at a popular whorehouse in Cincinatti and seen Big George run through about 12 womens in 1 hour. I was there in Africa and I remembers it clearly. George had just got back from training and we had been discussing the strategy of the fight and deciding on what time he get his full body grease down. We was outside George’s suite and heard some noise inside like womens giggling. George was real tense and paranoid and kicked open the door. There was, approximately I would say, about 7 womens butt nekked and drinking all kinds a vodka. Dick told George not to go in but George went in and locked the door from the inside. After that, all you could hear was all kinds of a screaming and moaning for about two hours. Just a hearing those womens hollering about would put chills up any man´s backside. Big George had a fear of knocking up these womens and getting thems pregnant so he was always going through the back door on these chicks as the young people would say nowadays. Foreman was barely able to wake up in the morning for the fight and I was told that those hookers could barely walk and some even had to get their assholes sewn up. People needs to understand that this is why Foreman lost to Ali. It wasn’t nothing about Ali being no master boxer. Ali was getting the shit beaten out of him on the ropes the whole fight. Foreman lost cause he was f*cking the whole last night before the fight and when he got to the ring, he aint had nothing in him.”

Foreman was profoundly affected by the loss and many have speculated foul play as a cause of the result. After retiring for about ten years, Foreman came back in the late 80's with a totally reinvented persona that now talked about God, kept a smile, and said nice things about his opponents.

In a special moment, Foreman was able to re-gain the world title by knocking out Michael Moorer to become the oldest man ever to win a heavyweight title.

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