Thursday, April 7, 2011

BOXING: Bernard Hopkins On Performance Enhancing Drugs?

By: Harold Sparks

Ever since Floyd Mayweather Jr accused Manny Pacquiao of using performance-enhancing drugs, boxing has not been the same. Although the sport has not changed radically, the successes of current and past champions have been called into question as many people now wonder if certain great champions were on the magic pills. In some cases, as in the case of Fernando Vargas, there is doubt that performance-enhancing drugs can actually do just that in the sport of boxing. However, some say that, when properly used, these drugs can definitely benefit boxers. Because of this, there has been a rising suspicion regarding the ageless boxing wonder, former middleweight and light heavyweight champion Bernard Hopkins.

In the aftermath of Mayweather Jr’s allegations regarding Pacquiao, most fans unfairly wrote him off as some sort of disgruntled, ghetto coward. Although Mayweather Jr has managed to avoid the best welterweights of the past ten years, this may actually be a testament to his genius as opposed to cowardice since he has been able to make himself very rich while taking very few risks. Meanwhile, Pacquiao went on to demonstrate that his success in the ring is due mostly to his increased skill level and an incredible heart that allows him to bravely go into the fire with larger opponents.

However, is it possible that Floyd Mayweather Jr was on to something? All you need to do is look at the 46 year old Hopkins to realize that he has achieved something out of the norm. Hopkins often boasts that in spite of his age, he physically feels as if he is in his twenties. Historically, fighters over the age of 40 in boxing are ancient and physically way past their prime. In this day and age with so many supplements and performance enhancing drugs, the fans have to wonder if there is more than meets the eye when it comes to the physique of the ancient Bernard Hopkins.

“Listen, I don’t know much about boxing or baseball but to me it’s all the same thing. That man Hopkins has either found the fountain of youth or something is up. These guys need to stop cheating and take the test because this stuff is not just happening in baseball. Some things just ain’t natural for your age. I’m in my thirties and I take Viagra but do I lie about it and cheat my wife into thinking I’m naturally some kind of a Superman. I don’t and that is the same respect that sports fan should be given. I only pray that Mark Mcguire and Barry Bonds don’t take up boxing because all you need to do is look at how hard they hit those homeruns and you can imagine how hard they punch. I think the real question is why is the testing enforced in one sport, baseball, and not in the other, boxing, when both sports are virtually the same in my opinion. I have a feeling that this is another case of the white man protecting baseball and not boxing because most boxers are black.”
Dolo - Muslim sports activist

Some sources have indicated that Mayweather Jr suggested to the current light heavyweight champion, Jean Pascal, that the former ex con and ex champion Bernard Hopkins is using illegal performance enhancing drugs. Jean Pascal immediately attacked Hopkins regarding this during a March press conference and Hopkins’ reaction was suspicious for many of the onlookers. Hopkins became enraged and indicated that he would take the tests required by the athletic commission. Of course, as Mayweather Jr’s team has pointed out, most cheaters are able to defeat the testing done by the commissions and an athlete like Bernard Hopkins would be well aware of this. Because of situations like this, the Mayweather team has wisely recommended that Olympic style random blood testing be enforced.

Will the vilified Mayweather Jr be eventually honored as a pioneer that helped to clean up the sport of boxing? Will Bernard Hopkins submit to Olympic style drug testing?
Only time will tell.

Thursday, September 9, 2010


Police are currently searching for Floyd Mayweather Jr. for questioning regarding a domestic violence report in which neighbors claimed to hear blood curdling screams coming from the famous boxer's home.

The pound for pound entrant and highly regarded former welterweight champion, Floyd Mayweather Jr has been in a heap of trouble after a video was released showing him making obscenity laced racist comments against Asians as well as disparaging references to dwarfs and homosexuals. Mayweather Jr even managed to offend the illiterate when he referred to Filipino rival Manny Pacquiao ironically stating: “That motherfucker Pacquiao can’t speak no English” – Floyd Mayweather Jr.

Some have said that the criticism he has received for his well-publicized tirade has caused Mayweather Jr to enter into a deep depression.


A landscaping laborer in the area who only referred to himself as "Antwon" stated the following:

"Ever since that video came out where they say Mr. Mayweather started making fun of some Chinese gay guy and talking about sushi and the egg rolls and all that stuff, there ain't been nothing but a bunch a hollering and commotion in that house. Usually, they get at least two orders from KFC delivered to that house every day and Mr. Mayweather usually sits right out there in the back eating and singing that rap stuff with a bunch of big guys in white tank tops. Now, ever since the video there's no KFC orders, because I know the delivery guy, and Mr. Mayweather been looking mighty angry and just real serious looking with a tear in his eye. I could tell he was going to go upside somebody's head so I wasn't surprised when that girl called the cops after all that screaming. " - Antwon

Unfortunately, this deep depression may have triggered the dark side of Mayweather Jr and he is currently on the run from police after allegedly attacking his girlfriend in savage fashion. Apparently, Mayweather Jr may have bitten his girlfriend in a fit of rage after she slapped him in the back of the head during an altercation. He has previously been accused of kicking her and grabbing her by the hair in public.

According to TMZ : “A man who lives near Harris tells TMZ ... this morning at around 5 AM he awakened after hearing "a blood-curdling scream that sounded like someone was being murdered." The man tells us he then saw someone in front of the house and then noticed two cars speeding off.


The timing of Mayweather Jr’s recent activities has also been questioned. After months of silence in which the boxing world questioned his whereabouts and will to fight, he finally surfaced on September 2, 2010 in a videotaped profanity laced racist rant seen around the world. Interestingly, the son of his former promoter and arch rival Bob Arum was found dead on September 4, 2010 after apparently falling off a cliff and plummeting for a 300 ft fall. Why was Mayweather’s sudden appearance just a few days before the body was found? Could Arum’s son have been pushed off the cliff by some unknown attacker?


According to the Las Vegas Review Journal, a report claims that Mayweather Jr had an argument with Quinten Willliams in a skating rink on August 23, 2009. Per Williams, Mayweather Jr. threatened his life and shortly after that he was shot at in a parking lot.


Mayweather Jr is no stranger to out of the ring illegal violent activities and has had legal troubles because of this. In 2002, he pled guilty to two charges of domestic violence. In 2003, Mayweather Jr faced a felony domestic violence charge for striking the mother of his three children in front of a nightclub. Mayweather Jr was later acquitted after the alleged victim recanted her story as many battered women do. In 2004 he was later convicted of misdemeanor battery for offensively touching two women in a Las Vegas nightclub. He also pled no contest when accused of kicking a bouncer in the head that same year.


Some have called Mayweather Jr a victim of his surroundings and flawed father figures. Aside from inheriting from them the ability to excel in boxing while thriving on grape soda, Kool Aid, fried chicken, and other junk food as seen in previous HBO 24/7 specials, Mayweather Jr also appears to have inherited the illegal tendencies of his father and uncle. His favorite uncle, Roger Mayweather has recently been charged with strangling a woman and breaking her ribs. His father was a former crack dealer.

Floyd Mayweather Jr is often criticized for not facing the best opposition available to him and has recently taken years off at a time from his chosen profession. Perhaps Mayweather should dedicate more time to the sport and the fans that have made him rich instead of insulting them with racist profane ghetto laced rants and beating on women.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010



Las mujeres peleadoras tradicionalmente han sido tratadas como ciudadanas de segunda clase tanto en el boxeo como en las artes marciales mixtas (MMA). Los hombres de dichos deportes son favorecidos ya que esos deportes han sido injustamente categorizados como deportes para hombres.

Sin embargo, esas mujeres deportistas tienen parte de la culpa ya que han adoptado los aspectos masculinos de estos deportes en vez de imponer su presencia y femineidad. El ex campeón nacional, Julio Mondragon, espera cambiar las cosas empezando con su tierra nativa de Colombia. Mondragon fue miembro de la organización militar y terrorista conocida como FARC donde pasó 15 años en las junglas de Colombia participando en actos de guerra como homicidio, secuestro, violación carnal, y robo. Mondragon luego pagó una condena de 10 años en la cárcel por sus crímenes. Fue durante su tiempo en el campo de la batalla que Mondragon empezó a reflexionar sobre las mujeres y la verdadera fortaleza de ellas.

“En la jungla, secuestrábamos a muchas mujeres y a muchos hombres también. A veces, por cosas de guerra, tuvimos que usar la violación carnal como método de control y los hombres siempre gritaban como cobardes mientras los ultrajábamos. Las mujeres gritaban también pero como que eran más fuertes. Luego de un par de años de estar en eso, como que empecé a respetar a las mujeres más y me di cuenta que eran más fuertes.” -Julio Mondragon

Actualmente, Mondragon es el entrenador principal del Gimnasio Pambele en Barranquilla, Colombia. Él, junto con tres otros entrenadores masculinos, enseña boxeo y artes marciales mixtas a aproximadamente 25 mujeres entre las edades de 15 y 40 años.

El gimnasio tiene dos años de estar abierto y durante ese tiempo Mondragon ha puesto poder en las manos de las mujeres y ha recibido elogios de muchas organizaciones feministas y de derechos humanos. Dos alumnas de Mondragon han llegado a ser campeonas a nivel de Sudamérica. ¿Cómo lo ha hecho? Mondragon no quiso divulgar todos sus secretos pero si compartió algunos.

Lo siguiente son partes de la entrevista grabada con Mondragon escritas en sus propias palabras:

Sobre el guanteo: 

  “En el gimnasio mío, las reglas son diferentes ya que hago que las mujeres se sientan cómodas y a la vez poderosas. Aquí, las mujeres no tienen que usar sostenes y camisas para pelear. ¿Si el hombre no tiene que usar camisa, por que obligar a las mujeres a hacerlo? ¿Por qué todos esos sentimientos de vergüenza? Las mujeres no necesitan usar una camisa ni un sostén para pelear. Cuando practico MMA con las muchachas y tenemos que luchar, es mucho mejor para ellas estar sin ropa porque así es más natural. Algunas de esas mujeres están casadas y sufren la violencia domestica. ¿Tendrán puesta alguna ropa protectora cuando sus esposos las atacan en la casa? Esas mujeres tienen que aprender a proteger sus cuerpos en todo momento y en su estado más natural. En realidad, para sacar el mayor provecho de una práctica, las mujeres deben estar totalmente desnudas cuando guantean.”

Sobre el Dopaje:

“Yo no creo en cosas malas como esteroides y vainas así. En Colombia, tenemos cosas naturales como la coca. Es cierto que de ahí la gente saca la cocaína. Sin embargo, a todos mis peleadoras les doy una bebida especial con coca y eso les da energía. Eso no es malo porque es natural y por eso ni siquiera la ciencia puede detectarlo en el cuerpo. Muchos boxeadores en Estados Unidos hacen lo mismo pero allá fuman piedra y eso no es natural y por la ciencia puede detectarlo. La piedra sí da energía y creo que no debe ser ilegal. Creo que Floyd Mayweather Jr fuma piedra o usa alguna otra cosa para tener energía cuando entrena. Su velocidad y sus reflejos no son naturales y solamente puede ser explicado como resultado de él haber ingerido algo especial. Hasta su papá fue encarcelado por el gobierno opresivo de Estados Unidos solamente porque estaba vendiendo piedra. Aquí en Colombia, todo el mundo sabe que Mayweather fuma piedra cuando no puede conseguir la coca natural. También creo que ese chino Pacquiao que le dicen está usando coca o también puede ser esa vaina de ginseng.”

Sobre el Sexo Antes de una Pelea: 

“Los hombres y las mujeres somos animales diferentes. El sexo antes de una pelea es malísimo para los hombres pero buenísimo para las mujeres. Debido a eso, el sexo es gran parte del entrenamiento en mi gimnasio. Yo motivo a todas mis peleadoras a participar en algún tipo de actividad sexual siquiera una vez por día. A veces las mujeres no tienen marido o novio y por eso siempre estoy aquí y también tengo a los otros entrenadores de respaldo. Esto no se trata de algún relajo o alguna diversión que estamos teniendo aquí. Somos muy profesionales y tomamos el entrenamiento muy en serio.
En realidad, esta parte del entrenamiento es muy delicada y cuando tenemos a alguna menor de edad hasta tenemos que conseguir un permiso especial del gobierno. El sexo en el gimnasio se hace con la supervisión de un doctor y un policía. Todo se hace de manera científica y usamos diferentes formas de sexo para combatir deficiencias específicas y así mejorar el rendimiento de las peleadoras. Por ejemplo:

  •  Para Fortalecer la Mandíbula y el Aguante: Para esto, todas las peleadoras tienen que trabajar juntas en equipo y hacer el ejercicio de cunnilingus una vez por semana para fortalecer la quijada y la mandíbula y así poder aguantar los puñetes.
  • Para Fortalecer el Cuello: Para esto, se requiere la asistencia de los entrenadores masculinos ya que la peleadora debe hacer la felación para mejorar la coordinación y la fuerza. La felación ayuda a poner el cuello flexible para que la peleadora pueda agacharse esquivando los golpes y también fortalece el cuello para aguantar los impactos grandes.
  • Para Fuerza de Mano y Pegada: Para esto, yo pongo a la peleadora a hacer una masturbación muy extrema y repetida en la cual me hago disponible o sino uno de los otros entrenadores. Los gringos llaman eso hand job. Ese ejercicio es muy estresante para la peleadora y también para el entrenador ya que ella no usa el guante y el movimiento puede cansarla. Sin embargo, el entrenador está ahí para motivarla para que ella siga los movimientos. También puede ser hasta doloroso para el entrenador dependiendo de cuantas otras peleadoras ha tenido que entrenar de esa forma en el mismo día.
  • Para Resistencia y Energía: Cuando vemos que una peleadora no tiene buena resistencia y se cansa muy rápido sobre el cuadrilátero, tomamos el asunto muy en serio. Para un problema así, usamos dos entrenadores. Uno se coloca acostado por debajo de la peleadora y el otro acostado encima. Algunas personas llaman eso una doble penetración. Como sea, es un ejercicio muy intenso y hasta ayuda a los entrenadores a mantenerse en forma. Programo el reloj para 8 asaltos y ninguno de los tres pueden parar aunque sea para tomar agua hasta que finalice el octavo asalto.”

Los métodos revolucionarios que vi en el gimnasio Pambele fueron increíbles y hasta tuve la oportunidad de participar en el entrenamiento y ayudar a algunas de las alumnas. Lo interesante fue que los métodos de Mondragon no son tan malinterpretados como uno pensaría y tanto sus alumnas como los grupos comunitarios locales han expresado una admiración para este gimnasio y la forma en que ha inspirado a las mujeres del área.


“Conozco muy bien al Señor Mondragon y sé que él solamente piensa en ayudar a esas pobres mujeres. Yo he enviado algunas mujeres víctimas de la violencia domestica y de la violación carnal a su gimnasio para rehabilitarse. La gente morbosa se confunde por lo del aspecto sexual del entrenamiento pero en realidad Mondragon ha sido una gran ayuda y ha inspirado a muchas.”-Lisa Contreras del Centro Feminista Las Aguas de Cali

“Con orgullo digo que entreno en el Gimnasio Pambele bajo las instrucciones del Señor Mondragon y él es un buenísimo maestro. Al inicio tuve un poco de miedo porque solo tenía 15 años cuando empecé y no había hecho nada así como lo que hacemos en el ejercicio para resistencia y energía. Pero, luego de hacerlo un par de veces la verdad es que mi resistencia aumentó y mi energía también. Ahora puedo pelear 12 asaltos sin problema y no me canso. También mi pegada ha mejorado luego del ejercicio para fuerza de mano. Ese tipo de entrenamiento solo se consigue en el Gimnasio Pambele y los entrenadores son muy dedicados. De verdad, son una bendición.”Miguelina Morales, invicta y clasificada entre las primeras 10 de las 112 libras:

Saturday, May 29, 2010

Sunday, May 9, 2010


On July 17, 2007, Michael Vick, then star quarterback for the Atlanta Falcons, was indicted by the federal government and subsequently convicted for his connection with a dog fighting operation that was headquartered on property he owned in Surry County, Virginia.

Similar to golf in the suburbs, dog fighting is a common past time for urban ghetto youths and it can be argued that Vick was a victim of his environment. Though millions of dollars away from the ghetto at the time of his arrest, Vick had apparently been able to remove his self geographically from the ghetto but not mentally.

A raid by the Virginia Animal Taskforce revealed remnants of the dog fighting operation of which Vick apparently was a part in. Several dogs were found on the property both dead and alive but all showed signs of mental and physical abuse. The bodies of the deceased dogs showed signs of torture and painful deaths via electrocution, drowning, forced constipation, and possibly even rape.

In light of the recent April 2010 news reports regarding the bestiality farm discovered by federal agents in Washington State, questions have risen about what truly happened on Michael Vick’s property. During this raid, a 51-year-old British tourist was arrested for having sex with three of the dogs on the premises. The Brit, allegedly a staunch Republican and avid MMA practitioner, was actually viewed on video retrieved from the raid. The video captured him making love to these poor animals.

Dozens of an assorted variety of animals consisting of horses, dogs, goats, and mice were seized during the raid. Thousands of images of bestiality and possible child pornography were also discovered. In all of this mess, the true victims were ironically the mice retrieved from the siege.

Whatcom County Sheriff Bill Elfo had this to say: “This stuff is just truly bizarre," he said. "These were mice that had their tails cut off, they were smothered in Vaseline and they had string tied around them."

Per the reports, the mice were euthanized in order to end their life of misery and the trauma received from their involuntary participation in sexual acts.

According to renowned animal psychiatric specialist, Dr. Hans Luger, involuntary participation and torture cannot be easily determined: “In the recent dog abuse and bestiality cases with Mr. Vick and the farm that was found in Washington State, it will be hard to prove that the animals were treated cruelly if in fact the sex acts were consensual. This is especially true in regards to the stallions as horses are naturally very sexual creatures. However, it is much easier to prove animal cruelty or rape when rodents are involved hence the euthanization of the mice.”

Interestingly, a recent picture of former junior featherweight boxing champ, Israel Vazquez, shows Vazquez in an awkward position with a model horse which sources say is located on a similar bestiality farm located Sinaloa, Mexico.

A former sparring partner, Ricardo Piedradeano, says this is nothing new: “In Mexico we are descended from the Aztec warriors. We don’t have to believe what the Americans believe. Our way is similar to the way of the Native Americans in America. We believe that we are one with the land and the secret to power is in nature. It was tradition for great Aztec warriors to get the power of the animals by eating them or by making the love with them. If you want to be fast and strong, you must dominate the horse. Punching power is the most difficult as you must dominate the gorilla. This is not about a sex perversion like you see in the United States, this is about culture, religion and Mexican way of life.”

In this day and age when athletes of all disciplines try to gain an unfair competitive edge over their counterparts, the concept of performance enhancers must not be limited to drugs. If Mexican fighters are benefitting from acts that would be illegal if committed in the United States, should they be penalized? In absence of the detection of a venereal disease, how could the athletic commissions detect these types of illegal performance enhancing activities?

Ironically, Michael Vick has also been known to call himself Ron Mexico. He adopted this name after contracting genital herpes. Questions have risen as to whether he contracted the herpes from a human being or from one of the dogs on his now defunct so called dog-fighting operation. Why would Vick name himself “Mexico” unless he shared a particular Mexican philosophy? Why would a particular female dog’s teeth have been filed down had she in fact been used for fighting and not something else?

Like a pit-bull, terrier, Vick is known for his small size yet incredible speed, agility, and strength. Vick was once accused of steroid use but his performance enhancer of choice may never be detected.

Saturday, April 3, 2010


In the past years, a 43-year-old Bernard Hopkins dominated a 26-year-old middleweight champ in Kelly Pavlik. Also, a 37-year-old Shane Mosley destroyed a 30-year-old Antonio Margarito.

Are Bernard Hopkins and Shane Mosley that great, or is the competition just that bad?

Pavlik vs. Hopkins Revisited

Kelly Pavlik, though limited, is not as limited as his one-sided loss to Bernard Hopkins would suggest. The fact that Pavlik fought Hopkins at 10 pounds above his best weight should definitely be factored into Hopkins’ victory.

For those who say the weight had nothing to do with it, maybe Hopkins should have gone down 10 pounds back to middleweight to face Pavlik at his strongest weight and really prove something.

This game Hopkins is playing is really getting tired, and I’m surprised that more people don’t see through the sham. Bernard Hopkins biggest wins are against smaller guys than him fighting at Hopkins’ weight for only the first or second time in their career.

When Hopkins fought accomplished fighters his own size, he either struggled or lost. When Hopkins fought a green Jermain Taylor twice, he lost. When he fought Roy Jones, he lost.

He tried to play the “you come up in weight to fight me” game again with Joe Calzaghe and it backfired, as Calzaghe had been at 168 pounds so long it was naturally time for him to move up in weight anyway. Hopkins lost that fight too.

Hopkins did beat Antonio “One Hit Wonder” Tarver, but I am not sure how much credit Hopkins should get for that, in light of Tarver’s whole career being based on catching a faded Roy Jones at the right time.

So Hopkins beats the 160 pound champ, Pavlik, at 170 pounds and some ridiculously want to call him the next Ray Robinson or Archie Moore for this. This is the same thing that Hopkins did with 154 pounder Winky Wright.

When Wright was the 154-pound champ and Hopkins was at 160 pounds, Hopkins wanted no part of Wright. However, after Hopkins fled to the 175-pound division and got settled there, he called out Wright for a fight but only under the condition that they fight at 170 pounds.

Wright accepted the challenge and looked out of shape at the higher weight, as he lost a 12-round decision to Hopkins.

Verdict: The young champs don’t suck, Hopkins just knows how to pick fights to his advantage. Let’s see Hopkins dominate Chad Dawson, a true light heavyweight. However, in true Hopkins fashion, Hopkins has opted to fight the extremely faded Roy Jones Jr that was knocked out in one round in his very last fight. In spite of this, Jones may still be capable of winning giving Hopkins' overrated status.

Mosley vs. Margarito Revealed

“Sugar” Shane Mosley had a lot riding on his fight with Antonio Margarito as far as legacy, since he had been on the downslide in his last couple of fights and time was running out.

Up until his fight with Margarito, Mosley’s last truly significant win was his first win over Oscar de la Hoya back in 2000, eight years ago. In Mosley’s losses to Vernon Forrest and Winky Wright, he failed to show the resourcefulness of the other “Sugars,” Ray Leonard and Ray Robinson.

So in January 2009, after many setbacks, Mosley destroyed the young and highly touted Antonio Margarito in one of the most destructive and dominant wins over a champion in a long time.

Much of the hype surrounding Mosley’s victory over Margarito is generated because of the man-eating aura that Margarito has…or had.

As most know by now, foreign substances were found in both of Margarito’s hand wraps before his fight with Mosley and he was subsequently forced to rewrap his hands without the foreign substances while under the watchful eye of Nazeem Richardson, Mosley’s trainer, and the commission.

Margarito went on to give a very lackluster performance from the very first round and did not seem confident throwing his hands. Margarito has little defense but the little defense he has is generated by his offense.

However, as Margarito seemed very hesitant about throwing his hands during the entire fight, Mosley virtually had nothing to worry about and just proceeded to beat on Margarito round after round until he finally cracked.

Why did Margarito fight so timidly after his hands were rewrapped? Could it be that Margarito’s hands are always wrapped with foreign substances and in them lay his confidence?

Is this why it seemed that Margarito was able to bust up and bloody Miguel Cotto with the very few head shots that he was able to land in a very short time once he landed them?

Although Mosley did a good job against Margarito, it shouldn’t be forgotten that Mosley just struggled against Ricardo Mayorga (of all people) in his last fight before facing Margarito.

Mayorga’s chin has been shot for years and it took Mosley until the very last round to drop Mayorga.

Furthermore, before getting stopped, the crude Mayorga was even outboxing Mosley according to one judge and the Associated Press. I find this very unimpressive. Mosley also lost a close fight to Miguel Cotto.

Verdict: Margarito always sucked but was probably cheating to get by. Mosley has lost to Miguel Cotto and will probably lose to Paul Williams or even Andre Berto. He should take a page out of Hopkins’ book and fight smaller guys like Manny Pacquiao and Ricky Hatton. Mosley's next matchup against Mayweather is a virtual toss up as Mayweather's true greatness is a mystery due to his matchups with dubious competition.

KASSIM OUMA: American Dream or African Nightmare

Much has been said about Kassim “The Dream” Ouma and his tragic kidnapping at the hands of the Ugandan army when he was only 7 years old. Every time he fights on HBO, the commentators feel the need to play sad music and go into this sad story about how this poor little guy from Africa was kidnapped by some bad guys and forced to fight in an army. At times the announcers will even go as far as to admit that Kassim Ouma has probably even killed people (gasp!). Ouma fought in this army for at least ten years. He was a foot soldier, he had a gun, and his job was to kill.

Although Ouma was forced into a life of war and all of the violence that comes with it, are we to assume that he was some type of morally charged super soldier that only took out the bad guys? Does Ouma really warrant being felt sorry for in light of the potential victims of his actions left behind in war torn Uganda?

Ouma's story is kind of a dark version of the proverbial “American dream”. At this point, we see him bouncing around the ring sometimes winning fights and sometimes losing them. He did achieve his dream in the process, by winning a version of the 154lb championship and marrying a hot blonde. According to sources, Ouma became obsessed with escaping to the United States after viewing a copy of Girls Gone Wild as a soldier in Uganda.

Extreme acts of rape?

Anyway, when you look at the actions of the Ugandan army and the many other little armies running around Uganda and the rest of Africa, it becomes obvious that if Ouma participated in what seems to be the general practice of the Ugandan army, he is probably fortunate to not be rotting in a prison somewhere for war crimes. For those unaware, the Ugandan army is notorious for committing atrocities against humanity, particularly against females. Killing, torture, and rape are all just part of the average day in the life of a Ugandan soldier.

In June of 2005, UNICEF indicated in a report that rape was the most common form of violence in the so-called “protected” villages set up by the Ugandan government. According to a Human Rights Watch report in September 2005 found that "soldiers prey upon women and girls they find traveling outside the camps out of necessity--to collect firewood or water or to sow, tend or harvest crops." Now just imagine your grandmother going out to the corner store for some beef jerky only to get beef jerkied by Kassim Ouma in the bushes. That is what these poor sisters in Africa have to go through every day. These African soldiers are notorious for busting into huts, gang raping everybody, forcing family members to rape each other, and then never getting punished. There are reports of more than 15 solders at a time raping 10-year-old girls and then firing off a rifle into their vaginas when they’re done. Unfortunately for the girls, they don’t die. They just walk around with their vaginas stinking and rotting because the wall dividing their intestines and wombs has been virtually destroyed leading to infection and total loss of control. Tyrone Jenkins, ebonics expert, put it this way: " In lay terms, these chicks can’t stop shitting and pissing on themselves after getting gang raped and then literally taking a bullet up the ass."

Using villagers for punching bags?

What about the Ugandan military’s occupation of the Congo? According to a U.N report, “on average, some 40 women were raped every day between October 2002 and February 2003 in and around the town of Uvira,” a town with a population of between 200,000 and 300,000. Do you know what it means to have 40 women raped in your neighborhood EVERY DAY!? Why are these soldiers so horny? When did Kassim Ouma find time to even practice boxing? Is it true that Kassim Ouma, while a soldier, once tied an 88-year-old man up to a plantain tree and practiced his jab on him for several days only feeding him 2 live crickets a day before he finally died? Is this why Kassim Ouma has such an excellent jab? Is boxing equipment really that scarce in Uganda that boxers have to go to these extremes in order to train?

Innocent or guilty?

This is the type of organization that Kassim Ouma belonged to for at least a decade. Are we supposed to believe that he was the only angel in the Ugandan army and that he never did anything bad? If Kassim Ouma is so innocent, why doesn’t he use his popularity to speak out about these horrible atrocities in Africa? Even if he is not innocent, shouldn’t he say something?

Sadly for Ouma, his father was beaten to death by members of the Ugandan army because of Ouma's defection. Nevertheless, Ouma's story should be used in order to shed light on the civilian population of Uganda that bear the brunt of the violence and not to convince viewers to feel sorry for the perpetrators.